Thursday, May 21, 2009

'Twas a Dark and Stormy Night

OK -- it's already been established I live in a rainy part of the world, the "Pacific NorthWET". But Tuesday night, my part of the world out-did itself! It had been pretty drizzly all day and the horses were gathered at the gate to get into their dry, cozy barn for dinner. Looking like "drowned rats", as my Mom would have called them, pretty pitiful little drenched miniature horses with dreadlocks instead of forelocks.

"Done," I said after haying, graining (just a teensy bit), vitamin-ing, wormer-ing and watering the crew. As I turned to head to the tack room to feed the resident ole barn kitty, Indy, I heard "it" start. Thundering paws above my head in the hay loft. Galloping felines. The Tuesday Night Cat Races had begun!

The speedsters continued for a few minutes, racing up and down the hay loft floor, menacing anything in their path. I finally shouted, "Hey kitties, are you guys hungry or what?" The brakes came on. The races came to a screeching halt and a pit stop was made on the hay loft stairs. "Fooooood," my feral feline family purred. Ahhh....

With everyone tucked safely in the barn the heavens opened. Half an inch of rain dumped on us in the next hour. The gutters turned into waterfalls. Downspouts blew off as leaves and pine needles drilled through them, heading for the soaked ground. Newly potted hanging baskets became dangerously full of water, tempting the integrity of those dinky little plastic hangers...grrr.

But, the satellite TV held! The storm could not annihilate the signal. VICTORY! The long season was ending and tonight we would have a winner. The finale of "Dancing with the Stars" starts in one minute!

(Gee, I bet you didn't think I was that kind of a person, huh?)


The Old Gray Egg Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:14:00 PM  

Boy, there's no place I'd rather be than in the barn with the critters all bedded down and munching away with a good book, bales of straw to sit on, and the rain thundering on the roof. Please tell me your TV is not in the barn? You know, some people have taken up dancing with their mini's and llamas. Someday you, too, could be a star.

the7msn Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:15:00 PM  

We all have our deep dark secrets (mine is Project Runway).

Your new home got .2" of rain this afternoon with more promised for the next several days. Whoohoo! Come on pasture!

p.s. great cat shot!

penni Friday, May 22, 2009 5:10:00 AM  

The kitties in the rafters photo is great! We're supposed to have some gully-washers today and tomorrow. Here, however, we all go out and stand in it because it is such a rare and wonderful event! Within a few days of a big rain, little desert flowers spring up all over. It makes for some great photo ops!

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