Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rounding the far turn...

We're almost there folks!

A new friend helped me think 'outside the blog template' back in July of 2009. She guided me from an "OK" blog presentation to something more fun with bigger pictures. More 'me'.

I put one of those cool little counters on the bottom of the main page. The kind that tells me each time one of you comes by for a visit. I started it at zero, zip --- nada.

Well, we're rounding the far turn!

Tonight, as I type, we're really, really close to 5000 visits! Only 25 visits away.

You might be wondering, "Why does she keep referring to 'we' when she really means 'me'?" Uhhh, 'cause this is what blogging is all about. Doing your own thing and then sharing.

It's about me AND you.

Thanks for stopping by!


Sara Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:25:00 AM  

20 more visits to go! Keep the posts coming!

the7msn Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:48:00 AM  

T minus 24...

penni Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:31:00 AM  

In the beginning, there was no one, but if you build it, they will come. Your blog is entertaining and you use great photos. Of course people are stopping by to check it out.

2Grandmas2 Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:55:00 AM  


I took my counter off as my compadre became overly obscessed with it. Now I have the cool little map thing and get to see where in the world folks come from. I admit it made me a wee bit uncomfortable when I got a hit from Tehran after a post I made following the Lakewood murders...a good reminder, however, that this IS the World Wide Web!

Sandy ~~~ Sunday, February 28, 2010 1:05:00 PM  

Woo-hoo, only 12 to go at 1:05 p.m. 2/28/2010!

You all ROCK! (But then, you know that, huh?)

2Grandmas2 Monday, March 01, 2010 7:27:00 AM  

Oh mannnnnn. 4999, sigh

Folks following my blog...


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