Monday, May 11, 2009

Holland - Eat Your Heart Out!

Everyone knows how famous Holland is for the fields of yellow...tulips, daffodils and the like. Even north of Seattle, in Skagit County, the fields are full of colorful yellow flowers this time of year. Well...we have something in my neck of the woods to rival all those stunning yellow fields. We have dandelions!

No planting of bulbs, fertilizing with fancy schmancy mystical proportions of chemicals...nothing. They just grow and thrive and carpet the pasture with gorgeous, frilly blossoms.

No matter what we do to them they continue to flourish and return year after year. Perennials to the max they are with little care necessary and a showstopper of blooms every May.

Bruce was ready to do his springtime pasture mowing this weekend and we had to put a stop to that. For heaven's sake, we can't mow down the dandelions! They might not come back next year. What would we do if we didn't have those breathtaking flowers? Might we get more grass for the horses? Might we save money by not needing diesel fuel for the tractor to mow the pastures for hours to rid ourselves of the dandelions?

So we asked the horses, Otis and Raider. They said they had to munch for awhile and think on our quandary. Hmmm, mow the dandelions down or keep their sun-shiny beauty in our pastures? Hours later, the answer came down. "Keep the blasted flowers!"

As Bruce and I left the pasture we overheard Otis whisper, "Geesh, those two go through this every spring. When will they learn these dang flowers are bitter and we would rather they wipe them off the face of the earth?"

Raider replied, "Just humor them, they're just two-leggeds after all."


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