Thursday, August 13, 2009

Driving Directions, New Mexico-Style

When folks ask me where my ranch is in New Mexico they just don't know what they're getting themselves into. I say "Corona" and their eyes light up. "NO, not that Corona. No bottling plant there." Between you and me, I think maybe 100 or so people live in Corona, proper. The town is really a village and I like it that way.

Then I say, "Corona is about 90 miles southeast of Albuquerque." That brings a blank stare. "You know Albuquerque? The big city kind of in the middle of New Mexico?"

I give a few more clues and learn the person doesn't know the difference between New Mexico, Mexico or Arizona for that matter. Geesh!

If they're still game I start with the driving directions:

--- Fly into Albuquerque, you know, the city you don't know about. You can find it on Southwest Airline's destination map.

--- Get a car and head east on I-40. That part of I-40 is the old Route 66 and you can put the top down (if you rented a convertible), turn up the "oldies" station and sing your heart out.

--- Head south on Hwy. 41, gaining elevation as you go.

--- At the "T-in-the-road" head east on Hwy. 60 (just a little piece of blacktop through Willard where you can stop to fuel up your belly, but not your car).

--- South again, now on Hwy. 42. This is where you realize, "How cool, the highways go from 40 to 41 to 42 with that little piece of 60 stuck in the middle."

--- When you approach Cedarvale you slam on your brakes and veer to the right on "Pardo". You're on dirt now, which is no big deal because the highway department guy who works in the area keeps the huge road grader parked in the front yard!

--- Cross 2, maybe 3 cattle guards and wave at the new calves as you do. Come to another T-in-the-road and turn right.

--- Make a left, then a right and look for my driveway. Oh, did I forgot? It'll be marked with the conventional county marker.

--- There'll be a handsome juniper tree standing nearby...

With all this help I hardly think you need more, but if you're lost, just look for the little rusty star and the cholla cactus. They're a better landmark than any other.

(Heh-heh, don't really use these directions. I scrambled some of 'em in case I have any burglars reading my blog!)


penni Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:10:00 PM  

So is the circle-star your brand?

sonia a. mascaro Monday, August 17, 2009 10:19:00 AM  

Love the vegetation! The juniper tree is beautiful!

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